Header Tag h1, H2 ....

28-12-17 Course- SEO

Working with header tags should be followed while maintaining a hierarchy which structure SEO friendly. For example, if your site is presented in title H1 and a sub-title in H3, the hierarchy will break. It is important to maintain the hierarchy and conform to all the pages of the website.

Header tag h1, h2

<h1> main heading </ h1>
<h2> Secondary Heading 1 </ h2>
<h3> Subsection of Secondary Top 1 </ h3>

The H1 tag on one page is the most important key tag. Every page of your website should have an H1 tag describing the information that follows that page. Include targeted keywords in header tags, keywords should be extremely relevant to the rest of the content of the page. Google wants to display the best websites in its search results, and what makes a good website is a utility. Heading tags give users a clear idea about the page, improving usability, strengthening the presence of header tags in the form of important SEO factors

It is worth noting that if the default H1 tag is over-size on your site or it is probably not in a suitable color, then the user should not be worried; both of these attributes have been adjusted according to the style of the page using CSS can go.

When tagging the header:

  • Target keywords in your titles
  • Make headlines highly relevant to content on the page
  • Keep H1 tags small and fast where possible
  • Only use one H1 per page

Maintain hierarchy and stability throughout the site

Meta tags are one of the most basic elements of SEO, they play an important role in helping your website in search engines help you and click-through to your website. We recommend that you take the time to complete all the meta tags correctly on your website. Sometimes how Google displays meta tags in search results, as mentioned in the previous article, there will be changes. It's worth seeing how your site's pages are shown in search results. To do this, simply search within Google for the site: www.yourwebsiteaddress.com